Cheshire Gardens Trust - Sharing Cheshire's Designed Landscapes
Welcome to Cheshire Gardens Trust and our newly redesigned website which we hope you enjoy visiting. We plan to make further amendments and continue adding to it with additional information so would welcome your views and comments. Please contact us:
We are an organisation of volunteers who care about Cheshire’s rich heritage of parks, gardens and designed landscapes. Our membership encompasses those who simply enjoy visiting gardens to professional designers, horticulturalists and historians. Visits and talks run throughout the year where we visit parks and gardens, meet gardeners, owners and designers for that ‘inside’ view and understanding. Join us for an event as a visitor or as a new member and find out about your county’s gardens.
We are an organisation of volunteers who care about Cheshire’s rich heritage of parks, gardens and designed landscapes. Our membership encompasses those who simply enjoy visiting gardens to professional designers, horticulturalists and historians. Visits and talks run throughout the year where we visit parks and gardens, meet gardeners, owners and designers for that ‘inside’ view and understanding. Join us for an event as a visitor or as a new member and find out about your county’s gardens.
NEXT EVENT The Winter Garden at Dunham Massey - Talk by Emily Chandler - Head Gardener
been Head Gardener at
Dunham Massey for
ten years. She
trained at Ness Botanic Gardens and Birmingham Botanic Gardens and
Details and booking information for our next Events coming shortly. | NEWSLETTERS January 2025 Issue no 85